Freddie + Joel // Wedding

Freddie and I didn’t know each other before she booked me for her wedding, but as soon as we talked for the first time, I felt like we had known each other my whole life. She truly is a client-turned-friend, which is what I love SO much about this job!

Freddie & Joel are one of the couples that was affected by COVID-19, but they remained so optimistic and joyful throughout all of the changes and rescheduling. Instead of having their 200-person wedding, they ended up having an intimate wedding in Freddie’s parents’ backyard, which turned out absolutely beautiful.

When I first arrived, Freddie’s mom pulled me to the side and told me to make sure that I bring Freddie & Joel (while I would be shooting their portraits) to the front yard at 7pm for a surprise. So, after the ceremony when we were shooting bride & groom portraits, I led the couple to the front yard to “take a picture by a pretty tree out there.” As soon as we got out there, all of their best friends began driving down the street past her parents’ house, honking their horns and holding up “congrats” signs and all the other celebratory things—one guy even got out of the car and tossed up rice!! Freddie and Joel were so surprised and overjoyed—it was such an amazing way for their friends to celebrate them while still social distancing.

I love this day & this couple, and I am so excited to finally share these photos!

Bailey Stanfill